DFI Submission to Department of Transport on Disabled Parking
Issued on March 19 2024
DFI welcomed the opportunity to make this submission to the Department of Transport consultation on the Disabled Parking Scheme. Disabled parking is an important issue for many people with disabilities in Ireland, as it allows them more independence, and the ability to travel for social occasions, work and education.
Any new Disabled Parking Scheme must ensure that it supports and protects the rights of people with disabilities outlined in the UN CRPD.
The Department of Transport also has a responsibility to consider equality and human rights in any action it takes. This is the obligation of all public bodies under the Public Sector Duty.
You can read our full submission by clicking on the document and a breif summary of our main points.
In summary, DFI recommends:
- A longer consultation period, to allow organisations to meaningfully consult their members.
- A change to the overall framework of the consultation, from one of limiting badges to a rights-based framework of providing services to those who need them.
- A focus on solutions to the high demand for disabled bays, including access to other methods of active travel.
- A review of the process to apply for badges, to simplify application and ensure that all people who need them get a disabled parking badge.