Oireachtas Disability Group Pre Budget Submission 2023
Issued on September 5 2022
The Cost of Living Crisis is not new for disabled people & is now worsening as
costs rise for everyone
Who we are: The Oireachtas Disability Group (ODG) comprises six national disability and
mental health organisations- the Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI); Inclusion Ireland;
Independent Living Movement Ireland (ILMI); Mental Health Reform (MHR); National
Disability Services Association; and the National Federation of Voluntary Service
What we do: We advocate on matters of key importance relating to disability. We bring
together cohesive information from disabled people, service providers and advocacy
groups. We commit to the voice of disabled people being central to this work. Our aim is
to offer support to elected representatives in their work responding to the rights and needs
of disabled people.
What we need: Budget 2023 is shaping up to be the ‘Cost of Living’ crisis. While this is
welcome, the Government cannot continue to ignore the longstanding crises concerning
the Cost of Disability and the provision of services and supports to people with disabilities.
This is why we are asking for you to Stand Up for Disabled People in Budget 2023.
1. The Cost of Disability Report Action Plan
2. The Disability Capacity Review Action Plan
3. Resourcing Legislative & Policy Improvements – e.g Assisted DecisionMaking (Capacity) Act 2015 & Amendment Bill 2022