Oireachtas Disability Group Pre Budget Submission 2022
Issued on September 24 2021
Budget 2022 is an opportunity to show commitment to implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UN CRPD. The Budget can build on what we have learnt from COVID-19. Disabled people have a right to participate in society.
Yet too often their experience is one of poverty and social exclusion. On average EU countries spend 2% of their GDP on social protection for disability. Ireland spends 0.8%, the second lowest in the EU.[1]
Budget 2022 must invest in community-based services like personal assistance and the areas like housing, transport, social protection and employment that are critical to independence.
People with disabilities should be able to access the services they need to live independently. Yet currently services are significantly underfunded and carrying deficits of over €40m.
The Disability Capacity Review gives some indication of the level of investment required. It is estimated that a further €550m to €1000m investment in disability services by 2032 is required to address unmet need and demographic change.[2]
Budget 2022 must resource voluntary disability organisations to meet the true levels of need.
Who are the Oireachtas Disability Group?
The Oireachtas Disability Group (ODG) is a group of national community and voluntary organisations, including Disabled Persons’ Organisations and disability umbrella organisations, who work with TDs and Senators to advance the full implementation of the UN CRPD. It was established in 2017. The community and voluntary organisations are:
- Disability Federation of Ireland
- Inclusion Ireland
- Independent Living Movement Ireland
- National Federation of Voluntary Service Providers
- National Disability Services Association
Between our five organisations, we represent the broad interests of the disability sector and movement.
[1] EDF. Human Rights Report, p.26.
[2] Department of Health (2021). Disability Capacity Review to 2032: A Review of Social Care Demand and Capacity Requirements to 2032, p. 16.