DFI's General Election Manifesto - See, Hear, Act #disabilityGE2020
Issued on January 17 2020
Face Up to the Disability Crisis in GE2020
See the reality of disability
People with disabilities are invisible in today’s Ireland. We have the highest percentage of people with a disability at risk of poverty in Western Europe, 38%.1 All parts of government must respond to these shocking facts.
Hear the reality of disability
A crisis ignored:
Poverty rates for people with disabilities have doubled since 2011.
22% of people with disability are in work, compared to 61% overall.
Disability services are crumbling, with mounting deficits of €40 million+.
There are 643,131 people with disability in Ireland, 13.5% of the population.
By 2026, the number of people with disability will have increased by around 20%.
85% of people with disabilities between 18 and 65 acquire their disability.
Speak and Act
1. End Disability Poverty
2. End isolation for people with disabilities
3. Show Leadership
Ask candidates on the doorstep what they will do for people with disabilities?
Email your candidates by clicking here.
Share your story on social media, using the #disabilityGE2020.
Follow DFI and the campaign #disabilityGE2020 on Facebook @DFIIreland, Twitter @DisabilityFed Instagram @disabilityfederationire