Budget 2025 must prioritise the needs of disabled people who experience deprivation and poverty 

May 27 2024

NED 2024 1

The Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) is calling for Budget 2025 to prioritise the needs of disabled people who experience deprivation and poverty.

Speaking, following her attendance at the National Economic Dialogue Forum (NED) in Dublin, Elaine Teague, CEO of DFI said, "While I welcome the Taoiseach's commitments to address poverty in the upcoming Budget, any measures must explicitly address the additional cost of having a disability in a structured and sustained manner. This means a recurring, non means tested Cost of Disability payment for disabled people. 

"Recent published data demonstrates that almost 1 in 2 people (44.7%), who are unable to work due to illness or disability, live in deprivation. Ireland also ranks 22nd in the EU for disability poverty.

Ms Teague continued, "We welcome the establishment of An Taoiseach’s task force on children, education and disability - it shows great understanding of the need, for a whole of government approach to addressing barriers faced by disabled people.

"But, this upcoming Budget is the last opportunity under the current government to make a tangible difference to disabled people and to meet their objectives outlined in the Programme for Government. At a fundamental level people should have an adequate income to live with dignity."

Also attending NED was Emer Begley, DFI's Director of Advocacy. Ms Begley said, "Six years on from Ireland’s ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, we must now target removing barriers to inclusion as a key priority. Inclusion and access in the workforce, in schools and colleges, in communities, in housing, in transport arrangements, and in social opportunities."

Ms Begley continued, "A key priority for Budget 2025 must be structured access to PA supports without which social inclusion and equality for disabled people is fundamentally undermined.  This must include supports for independent living.

"80% of services and supports to disabled people are delivered by the community and voluntary sector. The sustainability of these organisations requires two key things: Multi-annual funding, rather than the year-by-year funding allocation currently in place; and, measures to address the recruitment and retention crisis in many organisations."


Notes for Editors

  • Elaine Teague is CEO and Emer Begley is Director of Advocacy with the Disability Federation of Ireland. 
  • DFI's full Pre-Budget Submission will be published in June.

Links to data cited in release: 

Almost 1 in 2 people (44.7%), who are unable to work due to illness or disability, live in deprivation

Ireland ranks 22nd in the EU for disability poverty.

Image details: Emer Begley, Elaine Teague and Fleachta Phelan of DFI pictured outside the venue for the NED which was the Printworks at Dublin Castle. 


For media contact:

Brenda Drumm, Communications Manager, Disability Federation of Ireland, 086 076 411