Disability Federation of Ireland welcomes the publication of the Programme for Government
May 19 2016

The Disability Federation of Ireland has welcomed the publication of the Programme for Government. The CEO of the Disability Federation of Ireland, Senator John Dolan, said:
“After a long hiatus following the election, it is welcome that a government has been formed and that it has now published its key commitments in a very substantial document. We are pleased to note that the Programme for Government includes comprehensive sections on both Disability and Mental Health.”
“We are also pleased that the Programme for Government includes a number of commitments broadly in line with our key asks at the recent election. The Disability Federation of Ireland was clear that cabinet leadership would be essential to co-ordinate a whole of government approach, including the ratification of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD) no later than the end of 2016,” continued Senator Dolan.
“We are pleased that the new Government has now created a position where the Minister for Disability participates at cabinet table. We also welcome the commitment in the Programme for Government to ratify the UNCRPD by the end of this year. We believe that the decision to have a Minister for Disability at the cabinet will help drive the many practical reforms that are needed across public bodies to deliver person centred services and to deliver better value for money. Restoration of funding for health and other services and income supports must commence immediately as a start to making sure that disabled people can fully participate"
For contact / interview: John Dolan CEO DFI 086 7957467