Disability Federation of Ireland Welcomes Appointment of Super Junior Minister for Disability Inclusion
May 6 2016

DFI Press Release
The Disability Federation of Ireland has warmly welcomed the appointment of Finian MGrath, TD as Minister for Disability. Congratulating Minister McGrath on his new position, Senator John Dolan, the Chief Executive Officer of the Disability Federation of Ireland said:
"Finian has worked closely with the Disability Federation of Ireland for many years. He has been a committed and articulate advocate of the rights of people with disabilities throughout his long political career. On behalf of DFI, I want to extend my best wishes to Finian on this appointment. This is proud day for him, for his family and for his political supporters. The entire Disability movement looks forward to working with Finian to deliver positive action on disability issues and to build a fairer Ireland."
Senator Dolan also expressed satisfaction at the decision to upgrade the Minister for Disability to the cabinet table, which he described as historic and potentially ground-breaking.
"Throughout the election period, the Disability Federation of Ireland, campaigned on the basis that the voice of Ireland's 600,000 people with disabilities has to be heard at the cabinet table. We argued that cabinet leadership would be essential to co-ordinate a whole of government approach, including the ratification of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD) no later than the end of 2016. We are delighted that the new Government has demonstrated its ambition and commitment to people with disabilities by creating this position."
"A Minister for Disability at the cabinet table is both historic and potentially ground-breaking. The appointment of a Minister for Disability to the cabinet table is the only way that government decisions across all departments - like employment or transport or education- will include the rights and needs of people with disabilities from the start. We strongly welcome this move and we will be happy to work with Minister McGrath to ensure that people with disabilities get the same access to supports and services as everyone else. A minister at cabinet is critical to driving the practical reforms that are needed across public bodies to deliver person centred services and to deliver better value for money" concluded Senator Dolan.
For contact/interview - John Dolan - 086 7957467