February 25 2021, 09:30am

Does your safeguarding policy fully protect you and the vulnerable adults in your care?
Safeguarding is something that demands compliance and which we all fully support. Our members have on the ground experience of working with vulnerable adults. This is real expertise with the potential threats and types of protections needed.
Safeguarding policy and practice can only improve if our members share this expertise.
HSE National Safeguarding Office Webinar to DFI Members:
Meet the HSE and talk about Safeguarding.
On 11 March 2021, DFI held a meeting Tim Hanly, General Manager with the National Safeguarding Office presented to DFI members on Safeguarding and the work of his office.
Click here to access the video
Who are the Reps?
Daragh Kennedy - HSE Safeguarding Reference Group
National Safeguarding Officer - Irish Wheelchair Association, IWA.
Daragh has been at the centre of implementing the HSE Safeguarding Policy and Training requirements for IWA. He brings all his own experience to his role as a DFI Representative. Daragh’s role as DFI Rep is to bring your expert knowledge and concerns to the HSE Group.
Jessica Roche- National Safeguarding Advisory Committee
Family Support Team Manager - Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland, SBHI
Jessica is Family Support Team Manager with Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland including oversight to safeguarding within the organisation. Jessica represents DFI members on this National Committee – your voice on the work of Safeguarding Ireland.
For further information contact Cathy McGrath - / 086 3847 440.