DFI Annual General Meeting 

10 June 2021, 2:00pm - 5:00pm

AGM Pic_Martina Schwab

Would you like to have your say in shaping DFI’s next Strategic Plan? Are you interest in hearing about the progress of the DFI 2017-2020 Strategic Plan?

Then join us for our virtual Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 10 June 2021 at 2.00pm. 

You can find the agenda and official notice documents Here >


The AGM will be followed by an address from Anne Rabbitte TD, Minister of State with special responsibility for Disability. More details on her address will follow soon. 


Please RSVP to India Sacre indicating if you will be attending the AGM and/or the address by Friday 4 June. India’s contact details are:  

Email: indiasacre@disability-federation.ie 

Telephone: 086 9189 750 

Please also indicate if you have any special requirements.