CATCH UP CHAT Series - 1. Accessible Video Conferencing -What’s Working?

3 June 2021, 3:00pm - 4:15pm


The three-part CATCH-UP CHAT series reflects one year of using online tools to stay connected, support the disability sector, and share key learning bytes!

About this event

Join us for a CATCH-UP CHAT Series

Sustainable Online Supports

When: Thursday, 3 June 2021at 3pm

Following on from one year of engaging with new online tools to support people with disabilities, this third Catch Up CHAT of 2021 invites support services to come and share your thoughts on how we can embed online supports in our services in the medium-longer term.

• Policy and Guidelines

• Safeguarding

• Rights

• Financing

*Please note that this session will be recorded and you will be asked to consent to this recording in line with EU regulations. If you do not wish to be a part of the recording please ensure your camera remains off and mute your microphone.

To all of those who are new to CHAT (Community Hub for Accessible Technology) is a community of practice of Assistive Technology Practitioners and Assistive Technology Users that connects the Assistive Technology sector in Ireland like never before. 

CHAT is run by FreedomTech, a collaboration between DFI and Enable Ireland. CHAT aims to raise the profile of Assistive Technology in Ireland. CHAT helps to raise awareness about the barriers that currently exist (inaccessibility) and facilitates the sharing of new assistive technology solutions or projects to the community. CHAT is your place to share, listen, learn and build partnerships with others who are interested in supporting independence through the use of technology. 

People from a wide variety of backgrounds are involved in CHAT. We are, people with disabilities (expert and non-expert assistive technology users), developers, assistive technology professionals, researchers, suppliers, third level institutions as well as mainstream and disability specialist service providers and professional therapists and other interested parties. CHAT facilitates and creates opportunities amongst members to learn from each other and makes the most of members’ expertise to identify real challenges, gaps and to consider solutions.

We look forward to welcoming you on Thursday 3rd of June at 3pm on Zoom 

If you are interested to share/present at any of these events please do get in touch with

We aim to ensure that the platform is accessible and we would appreciate if you could let us know if you have any support requirements. 

Thanks again and don't forget to keep in contact, keep posting and sharing.

Contact: Twitter @freedomtech

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