DFI makes submission to International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
January 15 2024, 04:12pm

DFI has made a submission to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). ICESCR enshrines economic, social and cultural rights such as the rights to adequate food, adequate housing, education, health, social security, water and sanitation, and work. Ireland ratified the covenant in 1989, and its fourth report to the Committee of human rights experts that monitors this area is due to be examined in Geneva on 15-16 February 2024.
DFI made a submission to the ICESCR Committee to inform their ‘list of issues’ to Ireland in 2022, and made an updated submission last week, to inform the hearing in February.
In our submission we focused on four key areas – Poverty and Cost of Disability, Employment, Health and Social Care Services and Housing. In particular we highlighted how Ireland continues to lag behind its EU peers for both disability employment and disability poverty rates. We also stressed the importance of investing in disability health and social care supports, and for all areas of housing policy to factor in disability. Download our submission here: insert link.
Click here to read our latest submission.
To see Ireland’s official report, the questions from the Committee, and the earlier civil society submissions, click here.