DFI expresses concern at short notice and timelines of National Disability Strategy consultation
December 1 2023, 10:17am

DFI's CEO John Dolan has written to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, Youth and to Minister Anne Rabbitte today, Friday 1 December 2023, expressing our concerns about the National Disability Strategy consultation.
In his letter John said, "This is critical work which has the potential to bring real change for disabled people but the short notice and timelines of consultation are of huge concern.
"At the same time there are other national consultations underway, including the Department of Social Protection’s Green Paper on Disability Reform. Many of the same individuals and organisations will need to participate in these. There is a need for better coordination in relation to consultation coordination.
"There is an understandable drive to complete work by year-end to show progress. At the same time this can be counterproductive in relation to the commitment of consultation partners, and the depth and value of engagement that can be achieved."
John went on to highlight the NDA’s 2022 publication Participation Matters: Guidelines on implementation of meaningful engagement with disabled people in decision-making which he offered as a helpful resource in this regard. He also highlighted the consultation methodology used in relation to the housing strategy for disabled people which was well received and which led to general agreement across the sector.