DFI welcomes Green Paper submission deadline extension to 15 March 2024
November 28 2023, 12:25pm

The Government recently published a Green Paper on Disability Reform. This Green Paper is not a formal reform document but rather a proposal on what long-term disability payments could look like. This is part of a government commitment to restructure long-term disability payments, as outlined in the Roadmap for Social Inclusion 2020-2025.
The Department of Social Welfare is undertaking a public consultation on its proposals, and is eager to hear the opinions of disability organisations and disabled people in relation to Ireland’s future approach to social protection for people with disabilities. It is vital that all stakeholders and impacted parties inform this important process.
Submission Deadline Extended to 15 March 2024
While initially the deadline for submissions was set for 15 December 2023, we are pleased to see that the Department has significantly extended the deadline for this important consultation to 15 March 2024. This is something we advocated for based on member feedback, to ensure there is time for sufficient consultation and understanding of the reform proposal by all disabled people who could be affected.
Public Consultation on 30 November 2023
A number of public consultations have taken place on this and a further one is planned online for Thursday 30 November. You are invited to register for this online event here.
You can also continue to make submissions by email to DCPolicyConsultation@welfare.ie.
DFI encourages our Members to have your say through the public consultation process and we take this opportunity to thank you for taking part in our member organisation consultations which took place in November.