Beach Wheelchair booking system opens in Tramore, Co Waterford
June 30 2023, 11:03am

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) has announced that an online booking system for Tramore’s Beach Wheelchair is now live.
The beach wheelchair is free to use and is available seven days a week.
Introducing the initiative, Pauline Casey, Sports Inclusion Disability Officer with WSP, said, “We had a fantastic response to the introduction of the beach wheelchair at Tramore. Users of the beach wheelchair have let us know that its addition has made all the difference to how they can access Tramore’s Blue Flag beach.
“Now the addition of an online booking system will make it easier and more accessible for those with mobility issues to book in advance.”
“We have a beautiful beach and prom area, but it’s not always accessible to everyone. The beach wheelchair gives users and their families and friends the opportunity to enjoy Tramore beach together.”
To book the Tramore Beach Wheelchair, visit or email
DFI’s Community Development team often work with local authorities to open-up Irish beaches. This work takes many forms from improving the pathways to providing ramps to beach wheelchairs.
Áine O'Sullian from DFI's Community Team has this advice, “Beach days can be a very exciting day for all the family, but unfortunately not all can have the same experience as some Irish beaches are just not suitable for people with mobility issues.
"A great resource when looking for a beach is the website Once you input a search criteria, you can add filters, such as “Disability Access” and find wheelchair accessible beaches. A separate filter for beach wheelchairs will show you where to go in your area. Plan ahead and enjoy what Ireland has to offer you."
Pictured are Molly McCann, proprietor of Molly’s Café, Pauline Casey, WSP Sports Inclusion Disability Officer, and Cllr. Lola O’Sullivan, Chair of Waterford Brand of Irish Water Safety.
Photo credit: Waterford News and Star