Down Syndrome Ireland marks World Down Syndrome Day 2024

March 21 2024


Today, Tuesday 21 March, is World Down Syndrome Day 2024. 

Each year, Down Syndrome International (DSi) develops a theme for WDSD which forms the basis of a global campaign in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The theme of this year’s international event is “End the Stereotypes”. 

Down Syndrome Ireland is celebrating the achievements of its members in the fields of employment, education, self-advocacy and beyond.

DFI Member Organisation Down Syndrome Ireland is calling for an end to harmful and restrictive stereotypes towards people with Down syndrome. They are also celebrating the achievements of their members in the fields of employment, education, self-advocacy and beyond.

The date for WDSD is set on the 21st day of the 3rd month as a representation of the extra copy of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome that people with Down syndrome are born with.

Some of the initiatives for this year are: 

Lots of Socks

Host a coffee morning at home or in the workplace and invite family, friends or colleagues to join you, in their colourful socks, and make a donation in support of World Down Syndrome Day on Thursday 21st March. Please share your photos across social media using #LotsOfSocks4DSI and let your feet do the talking! Register for Lots of Socks.

Lots of Steps

Challenge yourself to walk 21,000 steps this March to support World Down Syndrome Day. Starting on 1st March, you can complete the challenge in 21 days, 3 days or 1 day – you decide! Invite friends, family or colleagues to support your challenge by making a donation to your fundraising page. Register for Lots of Steps.

Sharing is caring!

Please share your photos and videos with @DownSyndromeIreland on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok.  Use the DSI hashtag and the official WDSD hashtags in your social media posts to help spread awareness this World Down Syndrome Day with DSI – #LotsOfSocks4DSI #WorldDownSyndromeDay #DownSyndromeIreland #WDSD2024 #ShareTheJourney.

Please ensure that you respect privacy when sharing photos, especially photos with minors. 

There will be lots of other events happening around the country across Down Syndrome Ireland's 25 branches, creating their own unique events to celebrate and raise awareness about World Down Syndrome Day. You can follow the branches across social media to keep updated and show your support for the wonderful work being done by our members, families and volunteers.

Find out more about the work of Down Syndrome Ireland here.