Your Vote Matters - A guide from MS Ireland on voting and elections for the MS Community

March 4 2024

VOte Ms Ireland

As the upcoming elections and imminent referendum draw near, DFI Member Organisation MS Ireland has introduce the "Your Vote Matter2024" guide – a tailor-made resource for the MS community.

The key information contained in the guide includes: 

Understanding Elections: An overview of the election process, emphasising the significance of voting in shaping healthcare, social welfare, laws, education, and job-related policies.

Who You Can Vote For: Clear explanations of the roles fulfilled by Councillors, TDs (Teachta Dála), MEPs, and the President, providing insights into the impact of each position.

How to Vote: A detailed guide on the voting process, including information on polling stations, receiving a polling card, and marking the ballot paper.

Accessibility: Ensuring everyone has access to the voting process, with details on accessible polling stations, assistance options for those with disabilities, and voting by post.

Referendums: An explanation of referendums and their role in approving proposed changes to the Constitution.

QR Codes for Quick Access: There are also QR codes embedded throughout the guide for further information on the government system in Ireland, voting details, referendums, and assistance for voters with disabilities.

Click here to access the full guide and for more information on the work of MS Ireland.