New Clubhouse for brain Injury survivors opens in Meath

October 11 2023

ABII CLubhouse

Acquired Brain Injury Ireland (ABI Ireland) opened a new pilot Clubhouse for brain injury survivors in Navan, Co. Meath on Thursday 14 September. 

The opening has been welcomed by brain injury survivors, families and carers across the county, and is the first brain injury Clubhouse in Meath.

The day facility will provide peer support, group and cognitive rehabilitation to help brain injury survivors to build independence and learn new skills. Weekly activities will vary from art and yoga to history and woodwork – covering educational, social and cognitive rehabilitation.

This marks the opening of our 17th Clubhouse in Ireland and it is expected to support approximately 48 survivors each week.

We are dedicating this service to the memories of former ABI Ireland service users Marie Nagle and Aisling Brady.

Our Meath Case Manager Sinead Crawley explained the importance of the Clubhouse at the opening event:

"It is vital for people to have peer support and access to a Clubhouse service. It will give brain injury survivors a safe space to interact and develop their skills and confidence. It is a place where they don’t feel judged, and can talk about their struggles after brain injury.

“ABI Ireland would like to warmly thank everyone who contributed including Aisling Brady’s and Marie Nagle’s families, the local community and the local HSE Disability service. We are very grateful for this support.”

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Clubhouse and those who attended our opening day.

Every year in Ireland, an estimated 19,000 people acquire a brain injury resulting in life-altering, dramatic change – that’s 52 people per day. These injuries happen suddenly and are often traumatic, caused by road traffic accidents, stroke, assaults, concussion and viral infections like meningitis.

ABI Ireland was established in 2000 and since then has expanded across Ireland, with Clubhouses being just one of the many services we provide. At any given time, we work with approximately 1,100 survivors delivering expert clinical services and supports specific to the needs of each person with individually-designed rehabilitation plans.

However, a lack of investment means there are many counties where survivors do not have access to vital services such as a Clubhouse. In March 2023, we launched a campaign, Don’t Save Me Then Leave Me, Give Me a Pathway Home, which calls for more investment in essential brain injury services. You can learn more about the campign here.

You can also read more about the work of Acquired Brain Injury Ireland on our Member Spotlight.