Disability Federation of Ireland Newsletter June 2007

Issued on June 1 2007

Disability and the Estimates & Budget 2008

The Election is over and now we must continue to remind the elected candidates of the commitments they made during their campaign. Disability must be kept at the top of the Government agenda to ensure that people with disabilities are enabled to fully participate in all aspects of society.

Estimates & Budget 2008 marks an important opportunity for the newly elected Government to demonstrate their commitment to the disability sector and progress the implementation of the National Disability Strategy (NDS). DFI continues to pursue similar issues to these that we promoted during the election campaign. These high level issues are:

  • To progress the implementation of the Cost of Disability Payment,
  • To adequately resource current service provision by voluntary disability organisations,
  • To identify for 2008 and beyond this, objectives and outcomes for the NDS, having regard to the vision and long term goals for people with disabilities as set out in 'Towards 2016' and,
  • To provide resources to support their capacity to collectively promote the implementation of the NDS.

A key factor to influencing the Budget and driving a successful campaign is to create alliances across our member organisations. We want to ensure that our voice remains united and strong, as we ultimately strive to achieve the same goal of promoting the rights and dignity of people with disabilities in our society.

DFI invites each member to identify their own issues using the four priority headings outlined above as a guide. DFI will facilitate organisations to undertake this work through the assistance from our Support Officers.

Finally, most Estimate and Budget campaigns begin too late, and fail to take account of the fact that several key decisions on funding are made during the summer months. In order to put disability on the agenda and influence the Estimates & Budget 2008 organisations should begin their campaign from now.

We will be inviting member organisations to a day event to meet with members of the new Oireachtas in early October to impress upon them our concerns.

John Dolan

Kate O'Sullivan RIP

Kate O'Sullivan, Chief Executive of the Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups died on Friday 18th May 2007.

She founded the Carmichael Centre as a centre for voluntary groups in 1988 and grew the organisation each year since then. Carmichael Centre is now home to 45 voluntary groups and provides facilities and services for a further 350 organizations.

She will be remembered by thousands of people whose lives she touched through her exceptional contribution to Carmichael Centre and the voluntary sector.

The Carmichael Centre provides invaluable support to many voluntary disability organisations and the quality of the support has been built on her dedication and commitment to standards.


DFI Conference Date for Your Diary

Venue: Heritage Hotel, Portlaoise
Date: 21st & 22nd November 2007

More details to follow.

DFIAGM and Seminar

On 15th May 2007, the DFIAGM and seminar took place. The Report, 'Chairpersons as Effective Leaders' was the seminar topic. Representatives of 43 organisations attended the seminar.

The aim of the seminar was to focus on the challenges and opportunities presented to Chairs. The seminar was addressed by Stephen Rourke who discussed the Report and summarised some of the findings. Afterwards, there were honest and open responses from project participants, Don Bailey [Chair, Vantastic] and Louise Wardell [Chair, MS Ireland].

For copies of the 'Chairpersons as Effective Leaders' Report, please contact the DFI Dublin office or the DFI website.

Seanad Interview and Process

DFI is one of the nominating bodies of which most are voluntary organisations in the area of disability and disabling conditions. DFI invited candidates to come to an interview on Friday 8th June. As preparation for that we gave candidates a copy of the Submission which we made to the Senate Reform Process in 2003, and a short document called "DFI Approach to Senate Nominations May 2007".

Of the seven outgoing Senators on the Administration Panel, four were nominated by the voluntary bodies. It is certainly clear to us that we have a potential resource in the Senate.

As a nominating body to the Public Administration and Social Services Panel DFI has an expectation that Senators elected to that panel will, in keeping with Article 18.7.1 of the Constitution have "knowledge and practical experience" concerning public administration and social services.

DFI has decided to give its nomination to the Administration Panel to Cllr Maria Corrigan ( Dun Laoghaire / Rathdown, Fianna Fáil ). DFI is committed, for its part, to supporting Senators in relation to the voluntary disability sector areas of their work.


The Health Act 2007, which has recently been passed, provides for the establishment on a statutory basis of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA). DFI has met with HIQA regarding the standard of residential services. This was an introductory meeting on this topic with HIQA. HIQA will be responsible for ensuring quality and standards across all health funded services and it plans to begin the implementation of the National Standards for Disability Services in 2008.


DFI has met with Laverne McGuinness [National Director of Primary Community and Continuing Services (PCCC)]. We will continue to meet on a twice yearly basis. On a quarterly basis, DFI meets with Mr. Seamus McNulty, Assistant National Director PCCC and the head LHO of disability.

DFI / CIB Study on Housing and Accommodation Needs of People with Disabilities

The findings of the study of the Housing and Accommodation Needs of People with Disabilities being undertaken jointly with the Citizens Information Board (formerly Comhairle ) were presented to DFI's Housing Subgroup. Members discussed the findings and the policy implications, particularly regarding the barriers that inhibit innovative responses to addressing housing needs. Meetings are scheduled with other key players before the report is taken to the project's advisory forum and finalised for publication. The report will be an important resource for the sector during the development of the National Housing Strategy for people with disabilities, a commitment in 'Towards 2016.'

For more information please contact:
Lillian Buchanan
(Dublin Office)
Support Officer - Policy and Research,
E: lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie

National Physical and Sensory Database Committee Annual Report

The Health Research Board has recently published the Report of the National Physical and Sensory Disability Database Committee (NPSDDC) Annual Report 2006. The Report provides a profile of those members of the population with physical and sensory disabilities who signed up to the database as of June 2006. The Report has included a breakdown of information by region.

The primary focus of the NPSDD is to facilitate service planning and provision for people with physical and sensory disabilities; it also aims to record the details of people availing of, or requiring a specialised health and personal social service. The current Report is based on information from over 25,000 people who were registered on the NPSDD in ten HSE areas by June 2006.

However, participation in the NPSDD is voluntary, and the Database may not, therefore, cover a proportion of people living in Ireland who have a physical or sensory disability who have not signed up. Further, as this document is a planning tool for disability service planners and providers, it does not include those who were aged 66 years and over at the time of reporting. Responsibility for service provision for these individuals lies within Older People's Services in the DoHC and HSE rather than within Disability Services. This continues to pose a challenge for coherent and consistent service delivery.

DFI is represented on the National Physical and Sensory Disability Database Committee and continues to work with Committee members to address the above issues, and others, in order to ensure that the Database is properly representative of people with physical and sensory disabilities.

The Report is available on the Health Research Board website, www.hrb.ie

Practice And Scale Of Charitable Fundraising In Ireland

As part of its consultation process on the drafting of Codes for Fundraising Practice in the charitable sector, the Irish Charities Tax Research Ltd commissioned the Centre for Nonprofit Management (Trinity College) to provide the 'best estimate of the prevailing scale and practice of charitable fundraising in Ireland'. The findings point to huge gap emerging between larger charities with a national remit and locally based charities.

These findings have huge implications for charities both large and small. The full Report can be downloaded from www.cnm.tcd.ie .

Draft Proposals on the Regulation of Fundraising

The Irish Charities Tax Research Ltd (ICTR) recently published Draft Proposals on the Regulation of Fundraising by Charities through legislation and Codes of Good Practice. As provided for in the proposed Charities Legislation, the rules and standards to be set by the Codes of Good Practice will cover the operational and administrative aspects of fundraising. The Draft Charities Regulation Bill 2007, includes a reserve power for the Minister of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs to introduce statutory regulation of the operational aspects of fundraising should the approach to regulation through Codes of Good Practice turn out to be inadequate or fails to provide the expected benefits.

The Draft Proposals compiled by ICTR have recommended that all forms of fundraising should be covered by the Codes of Good Practice. It is also suggested that the Codes should include a code of conduct for charities and a donors charter. There is a recommendation that the Codes should set out a graduated approach to practice:

  • (1) identifying the minimum legal standards set down in Charities Legislation to be followed by all charities,
  • (2) identifying the set of standards that are regarded as appropriate good practice and which all charities are recommended to implement and,
  • (3) recommending best practice which all charities are encouraged to employ, as befits their capacity.

The Charities Regulator should establish a Consultative Panel to commission draft Codes. To promote take-up of the Codes, it is recommended that the Consultative Panel should examine ways by which incentives might be provided for those charities which adopt and utilise the Codes. The Charities Regulator should establish a Monitoring Group with an Independent Chair to deal with complaints and actively monitor usage of the Codes. The draft codes can be downloaded from www.ictr.ie .

DFI encourages all its member organisations who engage in fundraising activities to consider the proposals and the implications that Codes of Good Practice will have on their organisation. DFI has submitted a response to the draft to the ICTR.

For further information, please contact Joan O'Donnell, Support Officer, DFI, on (01) 4250122, (086) 383 4587 or by email: joanodonnell@disability-federation.ie .

HSE Policy on the Management of Complaints

The Consumer Affairs function in the HSE is required to ensure that all agencies who provide services on behalf of the HSE have a complaints policy which is in line with HSE Policy. The review function under part 9 of the Health Act 2004 also is the responsibility of the HSE.

DFI has been involved with the HSE in the consultation process around the development of HSE Policy on the management of complaints in preparation for Part 9 of the Health Act 2004.

The statutory framework in the 2004 Act has three main elements:

  • a complaint will be investigated by a Complaints Officer appointed by the HSE or service provider, as appropriate;
  • provision for the complainant to request a review of any recommendation made by a Complaints Officer; and
  • reviews to be carried out by a Review Officer appointed by the Executive or a person to whom the Executive has assigned its review functions.

For further information please contact the HSE information line, Tel: 1850 24 1850.

Companies Act

The 2007 Bill has essentially rolled all of the previous 13 Companies Acts which span over forty years, into one Act. It is envisaged that it will be reintroduced in the 30th Dáil in June or July.


Section 371 of the Companies Act is a very powerful and often used Section, and will continue to be used as a yard-stick to ensure Companies and Directors comply with all sections of the Act. Typical reasons for exercising this clause in the act are: Failure by a Company or Directors to file Annual Returns, Financial Information, to hold an AGM or to allow access to the Members Register.

It should also be noted that section 371 can be used by members, creditors or even members of the public if they wish to take an action against a Company, Director(s) or other officers of the Company.

It will be a mandatory requirement for all Company Directors and Officers of the Company to 'know' the provisions of this new act and they will be required to sign a declaration to this effect.

New Constitutions

There will be a notified 'Status Date' that will automatically trigger changes in the existing Memorandum & Articles of Association of Companies. There will be a transition period of approximately 12 months during which time Companies will be required to change their Memorandum & Articles of Association to a new constitution of their own making or accept a 'default' constitution.

In the new act there will be six different types of Companies with the most popular being a Company Limited by Shares (CLS). For charities the existing category of Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) will remain and will result in these types of Companies displaying CLG after their name as opposed to Ltd. or Teoranta . However those companies that have been granted an exemption from displaying Ltd. or Teoranta may well continue to be exempted.

The Companies Registration Office (CRO) has now halved the previous 16 week notice period prior to striking a Company off the register. It is important to note that the CRO may not give any notice prior to striking off a Company in certain circumstances. Importantly limited liability for directors has been removed and allowing a Company to become insolvent or non effective is not an option. These Companies must be wound up in accordance with Company Law. Directors are being held personally responsible for substantial costs in restriction or disqualification proceedings and 'Penalty Points' have been introduced to take account of serial offenders.

Web Site & Email Compliance

From the 1st of April 2007 it is now mandatory to display the official Company logo, full name of the Company, the registered number and address of the Company and where the Company does not have share capital this must be stated as well, on all Company emails and Company web sites. It is not a requirement to display the names of Directors on electronic media. Company headed note paper must have all of the above provisions as well as the names of all of the Directors.

Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement, Tel: 01 858 5800 or email: info@odce.ie .


George Kennedy has been appointed CEO of the Irish Association for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus (IASBAH). In joining IASBAH, George brings with him many years of senior management experience, along with proven strategic skills in working with community and representative organisations.

Tender for Research on Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Early Motherhood

National Disability Authority has put out a tender for research. The purpose of the research is to explore the strengths and weaknesses of publicly funded Irish health services provided to women with disabilities in relation to pregnancy, childbirth, and early motherhood.

For further information please check the website: www.e-tenders.gov.ie

Medical Card Services and Community Schemes explained in new HSE guide

A new booklet on HSE provided schemes and services, including the Medical Card and related schemes will increase public awareness and access to this important range of entitlements available to people living in Ireland.

The guide outlines the range of medical and related services provided under six different schemes and assists readers understand if they may qualify for these schemes.

For further information on Health services and entitlements, call the HSE National Information Line, which is open Monday-Saturday 8am-8pm, at 1850 24 1850. Email info@hse.ie . Information on health services is also available from the Citizens Information Centres, a full listing for which can be found in the Golden Pages, by phone at 1890 777121 or by visiting the website www.citizensinformation.ie .


International Fund for Ireland announces funding of €13m for cross border Community Bridges Programme.

The International Fund for Ireland on 4th May 2007, launched it's Community Bridges Programme with the announcement of €13 million (£9 million) being made available to encourage community relations, reconciliation and cross border activities over the next 3 years.

Applications for funding from interested parties are now available from the Community Relations Council, www.nicrc.org.uk . For more information please contact: Community Relations Council, 6 Murray Street, Belfast, BT1 6DN, Tel: 028 9022 7500, Fax: 028 9022 7551, e-mail: info@nicrc.org.uk.

Development Education Grant Scheme 2007 - Irish Aid

Irish Aid, the Government's official development assistance programme, invites applications from voluntary organisations and educational bodies for grants for development education projects, which are designed to increase awareness and understanding of development issues. Irish Aid offers support under four separate headings - the Civil Society Fund; Development Education Grants, ; a Multi Annual Programme Scheme, and a Media Challenge Fund. New guidelines have been issued for the Development Education Scheme and the closing date for Round Two applications is 29 June 2007. Details from developmenteducation@dfa.ie and www.irishaid.gov.ie/grants_education.asp

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust Funding for Ireland

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) aims to fund work which will contribute to the ongoing development of a just and peaceful society in the island of Ireland.

Closing date: 20 August 2007. For further information please contact: Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, The Garden House, Water End, York, YO30 6WQ, Tel +44 (0)1904 627810

St Stephen's Green Trust Grants Scheme

St Stephen's Green Trust has re-launched its grants scheme.
It now has 4 Grant Focus areas:

  • Specific areas of disability (Autistic Spectrum Disorder; Hearing Impairment);
  • Development and Integration (Older people in isolation; New Communities; Travellers);
  • Breaking the Link (Homelessness; Offenders);
  • Christian Values and Social Change.

Deadlines for 2007: 17th August and 26th October

For guidelines on the new areas and other criteria, please contact Orla O'Neill, Grants & Development Director, St Stephen's Green Trust, PO Box 950, Naas, Co Kildare, email info@ssgt.ie , Tel: 045 480 666, Website: www.ssgt.ie

National Lottery Grants

The HSE South have invited groups and organisations involved in the provision of important health and personal social services within their communities to apply for funding under the Respite Care and the National Lottery Grant schemes. Deadline 22 June 2007. Application forms are on www.hse.ie .

National Organisations' Funding Scheme

The Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs are inviting applications from organisations in the Community and Voluntary sector that operate at a national level with a nationwide membership. Funding can be provided for up to three years towards the core operating costs. Priority will be given to organisations that provide key services to disadvantaged groups. Deadline is 22 June 2007. Application form on www.pobail.ie and from whitepaper@pobail.ie Tel: 071 9186700.


The Citizens Information Board

The Citizens Information Board National Calendar of Training Events March to June 2007 consists of 50 courses, combining 5 regional and a central programme. For further information on all of the courses on offer contact the Training and Development Service. Tel: 01 6059000, or email michael.obrien@ciboard.ie

Finding Information Using Computers

The Citizens Information Board have aim to train participants in advanced Internet searching skills and increase their knowledge and familiarity with www.citizensinformation.ie and key Government websites as well as other relevant websites.

Date: Tuesday, 26 June 2007 (10.00 am - 1.00 pm)
Venue: Mayo Education Centre, Castlebar, Co Mayo.
Limited to 12 participants. Cost: €50

For further Information Contact:
Goretti Quigley , Citizens Information Board
Mill Lane, Castlebar, Co. Mayo
Tel: (094) 22 169
Fax: (094) 21 963
Email: goretti.quigley@ciboard.ie

ICEP Europe Summer Course Programme

These Courses are specifically designed for teachers and other professionals working with children and adolescents. The Courses begin on July 2nd and will run until August 24th 2007. Details on all courses can be found on the website www.icepe.ie . For further information please contact ICEPE by phone 045-982628 or email info@icepe.eu .

Unique Accredited Advocacy Course

This year Sligo IT offers a course in Advocacy Studies. The course is a Higher Certificate in Arts in Advocacy Studies (NQAI Level 6) and is offered by distance learning in 12 modules. The modules are delivered over a 2 year period.

Enquiries and Applications can be made to:
Mr Andrew Long or Ms. Roisin McGlone
Sligo IT
School of Business and Humanities
Dept. of Humanities
Tel. 071-913 7234
E-mail: advocacy@itsligo.ie
Closing Date for Applications is 30th June 2007.

General Notices

South Dublin County Council Consultation Process

South Dublin County Council (SDCC) is currently developing its Implementation Plan setting out the programme (including dates) to implement the commitments and objectives contained in the Disability Act 2005 and in the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government Disability Sectoral Plan. This will cover issues such as access to public buildings, public services and public service employment.

Disabled People, their advocates and representative organisations are invited to a morning seminar on the 27th June 2007, from 9.30 a.m. until 1.00 p.m. (includes a light lunch) in South Dublin County Council, Council Chamber, County Hall, Tallaght. If you wish to attend this event, please contact Selina Bonnie, to register your interest, on (01) 4149000 or e-mail sbonnie@sdublincoco.ie . Please note that pre-registration is essential.

If you or a representative of your organisation is unable to attend the consultation event, you are welcome to make a submission in any format including: written, verbal, audio etc. You will also have the opportunity to complete an online questionnaire at http://www.barcelonadeclaration.ie after Wednesday 27th June 2007.

Submissions and comments can be sent to:
Selina Bonnie, Access Officer, South Dublin County Council, County Hall,
Tallaght, Dublin 24
E-mail: sbonnie@sdublincoco.ie
Phone: (01) 4149000

So you want to influence the Budget?

Combat Poverty are holding a Seminar for community and voluntary groups interested in promoting solutions to poverty in Budget 2008.

Date: July 3rd 2007 in Dublin
Time: 9.30 am -1.30 pm.
Venue: Temple Bar Hotel, Fleet Street, Dublin 2

Register your interest in attending this event by emailing your name and organisation to Grace Kennedy, email: grace.kennedy@combatpoverty.ie , by 28th June. For further information please contact Combat Poverty, Conyngham Road, Islandbridge, Dublin 8. Tel: 353 1 670 6746, Fax: 353 1 670 6760, email: info@combatpoverty.ie ,

Focus on acquired brain injury (ABI)

The Peter Bradley Foundation and BRÍ are continuing their series of information & education events across the country about acquired brain injury.

The upcoming events are:

  • 27th June, Trim Castle, Co. Meath
  • 22nd August, Cork Radisson SAS Hotel
  • 10th October, Sligo Radisson SAS Hotel
  • 27th & 28th November, Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, Dublin.

Full details are on the Foundation's website ( www.peterbradleyfoundation.ie ) and are available by contacting: Karen Cahill on kcahill@peterbradleyfoundation.ie / 01-2804164 / 086-3868851 or Geraldine Lacey / Joe McCarthy in the BRÍ office on 01-2355501.

Fundraising Practice in Ireland

Research by the Centre for Nonprofit Management (CNM) in Trinity College Dublin (TCD) establishing the scale and practice of fundraising in Ireland is now available. The Report shows that in 2004, 960 fundraising organisations with charitable status raised almost €200m from private and corporate sources, one-fifth of their total income. For further information please contact CNM, Tel: 01 896 3850 or email: nonprofit@tcd.ie

Community Participation in Primary Care

Date: Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Time: 9.15 am - 4.00 pm
Venue: Croke Park, Dublin

Combat Poverty are holding a Conference whose primary aim is to promote the participation of communities experiencing poverty in the implementation of the primary care strategy at national and local level. There is no charge for attendance at this conference, but due to the high demand for places early booking is advised.

For further information please contact:
Combat Poverty, Conyngham Road, Islandbridge, Dublin 8
Tel: 353 1 670 6746, Fax: 353 1 670 6760, email: info@combatpoverty.ie ,
web: www.combatpoverty.ie

Volunteering with CARE Local

CARE Local volunteers visit and support older people living alone throughout the Dublin City Council Area. Volunteers visit an older person in their local area once a week, and attend a Volunteer Support Meeting once every 2 months.

To enquire about volunteering with CARE Local, please call 01-8782358 or email carelocal@yahoo.ie

Older People With A Disability In Ireland

The National Council on Ageing and Older People study was launched on 3rd May 2007 at a National Conference on the quality of life of older people with a disability in Ireland. The Report is the first qualitative study on ageing and disability ever undertaken in Ireland. The findings provide important insights into what it means to live with disability in later life.

For further information please contact: National Council on Ageing and Older People, 22 Clanwilliam Square, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2, Tel: +353 1 6766484, Fax: +353 1 6765754 or email: info@ncaop.ie .

Irish Council for Social Housing

Every year, the Irish Council for Social Housing holds regional meetings throughout the country. These meetings provide an opportunity for ICSH staff and affiliated members to meet and discuss new developments in social housing and issues which may directly affect a particular region.

For the ICSH Regional Meetings Schedule for June / July please check their website www.icsh.ie or contact them, Irish Council for Social Housing, 50 Merrion Square East, Dublin 2, Ireland, Tel: 01 661 8334, Fax: 01 661 0320, E mail: info@icsh.ie , Website: www.icsh.ie

Dublin South City Directory

The HSE has published a directory especially for people with physical and sensory disability living in the Dublin South City area.

If you would like to get more information please contact: Disability Services, Carnegie Centre, Lord Edward Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 - 648 6500, Fax: 01-648 6600.

Woman in Sport

Special Olympics Ireland is running a Women in Sport Project. The overall aim of the Project is to increase the number of female athletes participating in Special Olympics. For further information please contact, Lizzie Lynch, Women in Sport Project Officer, Tel: 01 869 1673 or elizabeth.lynch@specialolympics.ie

The Bar Council's Voluntary Assistance Scheme

"Voluntary Assistance" is a Scheme operated by the Bar Council whereby barristers provide services directly to non Government organisations working with members of the community who cannot afford legal services. All areas of the law are covered by this scheme but the principal areas include housing issues, landlord and tenant issues, prison related issues, social welfare appeals and debt related issues.

The Scheme does not include family law because this is the one area of law which is extensively covered by the Government operated Legal Aid Scheme.

Jeanne McDonagh is the Administrator of the Voluntary Assistance Scheme. Jeanne can be contacted at jmcdonagh@lawlibrary.ie or (01) 817 5014, Web: www.barcouncil.ie

The Irish Times Living Dublin Awards

These Awards celebrate groups, individuals and businesses working to improve the quality of life in Dublin City and County. Entrants are asked to complete the application form by 26th October 2007. For further information please contact Linda McNulty, The Irish Times Living Dublin Awards, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, 7 Clare St, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 -644 7226.